just a thought.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
workin' for the weekend.
just a thought.
Monday, March 29, 2010
turning of a page.
with the lack of computer (see previous post) i had a lot of time on my hands to get some good reading time in, which was actually quite enjoyable! a side note is that i am once again sitting in ccit updating my blog because my lack of laptop is preventing me from being able to enjoy blogging in the comfort of my own room, but that is ok.
back to reading- the next book on my list is water for elephants. i'm not going to pretend that i am not totally and completely excited about reading this book. my roommate got it for me from her library and i am looking forward to reading it (and loving that fact that i have another excuse to avoid school work!).
well, i suppose that is all for now folks, must get back to the school work and trying to sweet talk the technicians at ccit into giving me a loaner computer. a side note: earlier today i got caught not once, but twice, trying to stalk the man working on my computer. i use the term "working" very loosely because from my vantage point it appeared as though he was working more on his homework than on my computer... needless to say i was not very thrilled to see this. i mean, i understand that his homework is important, really- i do... but i just wanted to tap him on the shoulder and explain that he is not getting paid to do homework but to fix the very broken computer in front of him. good news- when i walked back into ccit for the second time today, it appears as though the new man is not doing homework but in fact fixing my computer... we'll see how long that lasts.
just a thought.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
trouble in paradise.
having faith in my computer technicians i continued to take it to them, hoping that they could solve my issue (mistake number two). no offense to ccit, i know that they work hard, but let’s just say that their judgment calls are not always reliable. so, over the last couple of weeks my computer started getting really cranky, it would blue screen whenever it felt like it, usually at the most in-opportune moments (i.e. while on skype, working on a project, minding my own business and just listening to music- you get the drift). being the good student that i am, i promptly made sure that all of my data was backed up on my computer and then trotted down the hill, across bowman, down to what looks like a train station to get to ccit. i dropped it off it in hands of a technician who assured me that i would either have my computer or a loaner by sunday afternoon. this news was music to my ears, as i have about a million and one things that need to get done this week. let me side-bar right now by saying that this did not end up being the case as i am currently sitting in ccit writing this post as we speak (or read- you get the idea). the other neat news is that the building is currently rumbling because it appears that the bottom is about to drop (good thing I packed my raincoat for this journey!).
yep, so that’s what is going on right now in the life of me… just hanging out on campus getting work done (or updating my blog as the case may be) while patiently (or not so patiently) waiting for my computer to once again be returned to me so that i may enjoy the sweet act of searching the web at my leisure in the comfort of my own home wearing pajamas.
one day they will come up with a cure for the common blue screen and there will be much rejoicing.
just a thought.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
and forget not all His benefits
-psalm 103: 1-5
wow, what a refreshing passage! how often do i stop and praise Him for the blessings that have been bestowed upon me? how often do i think about what i have and what others lack and fall on my face and praise His name? let me tell you the answer: not nearly enough. there is no way that i could ever count the blessings that have been bestowed upon me: i go to a wonderful college, i have incredible friends, i have the love of my life to stand beside me and support me, i have a wonderful mom who supports me, i have enough food to eat, a comfortable bed to sleep in, the list goes on and on and on. and yet, when i look at myself and at my life do i see the great things or do i look for things that could make it better?
sure, things could always be better, that’s just a fact of life. there are only two things that people hate: change and when things stay the same. [how’s that for human nature?] while things could always be better, i am reminded that things could always be worse. i could be [alone], i could live in a world [without] hope, i could wake up every morning knowing that i am the one that has to be in control of my future. thankfully i have hope in Jesus Christ, i rest in the fact that i am built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. because of Christ the pressure is off. the debt has been paid, my slate has been wiped clean and i am free to praise Him and bring glory to the Father, yet i fail at that daily.
prayer of praise: thank-you Father for giving me life, giving me love, and showing me compassion, so that i may show it to the world around me. thank-you for holding me close to you and guiding my steps, so that i do not have to walk alone. praise to be You and You alone, Abba Father.
take some time to praise Him for the blessings in your life, if you're anything like me you'll feel humbled at all of the blessings that you've been given, and at the same time feel guilty for ever feeling entitled for more. praise be to Him that we can never be separated from His love that covers all.
for i am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
-romans 8:38-39
[supportive] family.
[wonderful] best friend (boyfriend).
and the list [goes on and on].
i have been blessed.
just a thought.
Friday, March 26, 2010
i decided that i would start a blog simply because i've always wanted to. i love writing in my journal but don't do it nearly as often as i would like or as i should. however, i do spend tons of time at my computer, so i figured that a blog would be the way to go! i don't really have a plan as to what this is going to consist of, just random thoughts and things that i feel like writing about, i suppose! hence the name "just a thought." i can't promise any deep thoughts, but i can assure you that i'll do my best!
the whole phenomenon of a blog is intriguing to me, people from all parts of the world can be connected through the simple act of blogging. i know this because i in fact love reading about other people, seeing their pictures, and figuring out the journey that has gotten them to whatever walk of life they are following.
i am also a huge fan of people watching, actually, just to say that i am a "fan" is a gross understatement. It is actually more of an unintentional obsession. the fact of the matter is that i cannot sit in a restaurant without trying to figure out all of the people around me, it is odd, but quite true. nothing against the people i'm eating with, i just can't help it. i feel like it is my life's mission to figure out the world around me.
at any rate, this is the first of what will hopefully be many posts to come! i'd like to welcome you to my blog, happy reading!
just a thought.