hello sweet friends!
as you can see, my blog is under a bit of construction- i got to changing it around but now i am kind of at an awkward stopping point. i don't know much about how to change things to make them look like i'd really like- so this is my cry and plea for help! i know what i want it to look like, i just can't seem to make the design translate from my head down into the blogosphere... so help me... pretty please (with sprinkles and a cherry on top)...
things i know that i would like in my blog:
-wider text space (kind of achieved right now)
-my header to go all the way across- not at all right now, and it is driving me crazy! (if not all the way across, at least centered in the space that it is going to be in)
-green (or darker) blog titles... not this gray business, so difficult to read!
-a button... i just want to create my own- but i have no idea how to make it work (i wasn't kidding when i said i had no clue what i was doing!)
the whole new design feature on blogger was just so appealing... but now my blog is in a state of disrepair and is in need of help! give me some help, ideas, advice, whatever you want to throw this way!
also- give me some feedback on the changes... pros/cons, likes/dislikes!
just a thought.