Friday, April 23, 2010

[give away]

holy cow. love a good giveaway! the whole idea of giving away things via blogging is just thrilling, i must say that i do enter somethings here and there- i just can't help myself. at any rate- this new blog that i started reading called aspire is doing a favorite family foto sharing, so i thought that i'd join in... i just love pictures, so it isn't really hard to pick! you should check out her blog, it is pretty fun!

here is a favorite recent family picture- i love my mama!

pictures are my favorite- i have an entire photo wall in my room just filled with pictures of people i love, and people who are basically like my family.

i really have some beautiful people in my life- so incredibly blessed!

just a thought.


  1. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww. You love your mama. And she is so pretty. I am glad your life is filled with many happy and beautiful people! Sensational!


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