Tuesday, August 31, 2010

top two tuesday.

top 2 favorite cities

1. charleston, south carolina. i love charleston so much and am so proud to be from there, i love going downtown and being able to walk around and just enjoy it. though, since i am technically from mount pleasant, maybe i can consider charleston as a favorite place to visit!

2. anchorage, alaska. i've actually never been to alaska, but i would love, love, love to go there... i realize that i don't actually like cold weather, but i think that i could get over it for views like this.

what are your favorite cities? link up and let everyone know!

just a thought.


  1. i'm headed to charleston at the end of september for a wedding - i can't wait to see the city - i have never been. any good recommendations of things to do while were there?

  2. I'd love to visit both! My husbands grandparents went on a cruise to Alaska, and raved about it. I've been wanting to go ever since!


have a thought? please share it...

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