Monday, December 13, 2010

miscellany monday.

[1] oh Christmas tree. the tree is now up in the house. last night we put lights on it and it shines oh-so-bright... the lights are my favorite part of the tree, not really to put on, but i think that they make the biggest impact on the tree!

[2] the weather outside is frightful. the low for tonight is 19 degrees... excuse me!? that is simply too cold.

[3] this is the Christ. tonight my church is having a free concert, if you live in the charleston area- head out and see it- it is going to be wonderful.
monday, december 13th, 7pm
the gaillard auditorium
77 calhoun street, charleston

for more information about the concert, go here.

[4] tiny tim. i sprained my ankle really bad a little over a week ago and still can't walk quite right, as i walked out of the house on my crutches my sweet, sensitive fiance called me "tiny tim"... how endearing. talk about being a scrooge! :)

go link up with carissa and make sure to keep it random!
Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

just a thought.


  1. We put our tree up this weekend too. I love everything about Christmas, especially the lights! Brrr...that is too cold. Sorry about your ankle. I hope it heals soon.

  2. Hope your ankle gets better quickly!!! And yeah its suppose to get into the low 20's FL! CRAZY! Stay warm! <333


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