Tuesday, June 1, 2010

peanut butter jelly time.

anyone remember that song "peanut butter jelly time"?... well i do, and now i think that it is stuck in my head... henceforth- the reason that this notion even came about is all because of the smucker's uncrustable "sandwich"... i can't seem to agree that it is a sandwich, considering it starts out frozen and then you thaw it in the fridge, but i don't know- maybe they are the most delicious thing it the world (please note that i doubt this).

there it is... in all of its shining glory. if you're a mom who feeds these to the kiddos, please don't be offended, i actually fed this to liam today while i was babysitting- though they just don't look appealing to me, but maybe i am just wrong- or maybe you just need to be under 10 in order to find them appealing. i must also take this time to say that if you are a stay at home mom- you have my respect. the more days that i spend babysitting from 6:45am to 5pm, the more i realize that it is work! don't get me wrong, i have always respected sah mom's, but wow. so amazing.

in other news, there is a giveaway over at michelle of michabella: living a life of love's blog... it is clinique- i love love love clinique... feel free to jump over to her blog and check it out.

just a thought.

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